This is a list of known bugs and issues in MMBasic 5.05.05 for the Micromite and Micromite Plus. These should be fixed in later versions. ================================================================================== Earlier versions of the Micromite Plus manual listed the commands GUI NUMBERBOX ACTIVATE, GUI NUMBERBOX CANCEL, GUI FORMATBOX ACTIVATE and GUI FORMATBOX CANCEL. These were never implemented and have been removed from the manual. Cannot use NULL chars in LINE INPUT Clipping (at 39 characters) is common to all error messages Lines that extend off screen at an angle leave improper pixels on the edge of the screen, as if the off-screen coordinate were being clamped to the edge of the screen. LOAD,R and RUN cannot use variables for the filename In a functions parameter list a space before the closing bracket can cause an error In a call to a subroutine the behaviour will be undefined if the first parameter of the parameter list is an expression starting with an opening bracket. This can be avoided by surrounding the whole parameter list with brackets. ON ERROR SKIP [n] will suppress errors for the next n statements however the behaviour will be undefined if these call a user function or a user subroutine or be a GOTO or conditional statement. When COM1 port is configured for RS485 communications the DE pin (pin 29) will momentarily go low before being made an output and its state set high. The RS485 transceiver can interpret this as a send signal causing trouble on the bus. The workaround is to place the command PIN(29)=1 before opening the port. =================================================================================== General notes: Under some circumstances the EDIT command can lose the position of the cursor. The fix is to hit the Home key twice which will redraw the screen and reset the editor's state. Note that in all versions, operating on numbers outside of the floating point range can cause a MIPS exception which will restart MMBasic. It is not planned to change this behaviour because the range of floating point numbers is way beyond the normal range of usage and checking each operation before it is executed would unacceptably slow down the interpreter. For the latest version of this list check